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Erasmus+ Ka1 Training Course

by Insedo Ltd.

Basic data

  • Course title: Digital Pedagogy: The first steps for effectiveness and success for teaching in the digital age 
  • Dates: 
  • Location: Veszprém, The City of Queens, European Capital of Culture 2023, Hungary
  • Length of the course: 5 days
  • Language of the course: English
  • Type of certification upon completion: Europass certificate
  • Entry requirements: B2 language level and A2 digital skill


The overall objective of the training course is to:

  • Get educators acquainted with the different fields of digital pedagogy. Learn about the importance of creating and managing digital content, and how to enhance professional engagement through digital platforms while empowering learners by facilitating their digital competence. 
  • Provide educators with the know-how to start using digital platforms in classes such as Socrative classroom application, and Google Drive cloud-based system.
  • Present and train educators for effective use of the most successful and widely used platforms and programs of digital content creation for their classes, such as Mentimeter, Quizizz, and Google-based platform, Google Form.
  • Give educators tools to engage students via digital methods. 
  • Enhance educators’ assessment techniques via digital test-creating tools such as Redmenta (a unique, Hungarian innovative platform), and the real-time monitoring capabilities of Formative.   
  • The overall objective of the course is to familiarize teachers and trainers with applicable, relevant and up-to-date digital skills to help them reduce their paperwork, as well as engaging the next generation of students.



Description of activities

Learning outcomes

Day 1.

Course introduction:

Attendees get acquainted with the areas of digital competence as an educator and become self-aware with their own level and ways to improve. As part of the first day, the Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu) is introduced for the participants as a single European framework for digital skills and competencies.

Day 2.

Cloud-based applications and programs

These types of applications make it possible for us to have teaching materials available no matter where we are, and they help us achieve seamless collaboration with co-workers within our organization. 

Introduction to quiz-making

Digital educators must be skilled at creating online quizzes tailored to the needs and demands of specific learner groups. This module will provide the means to implement this skill into their teaching methods. Attendees will learn how to utilize Artificial Intelligence to automatically suggest diverse question types based on key points in their materials.

Day 3.

Interactive Workshop: 

Quiz transfer and interoperability

Being skilled at the use of multiple quiz sites can greatly enhance and diversify our lesson activities. At the same time working on multiple platforms shouldn’t necessarily mean more workload with conscious coordination.

Besides getting familiar with another quiz platform, educators will acquire skills to create exercises in a way that they are easily transferable among different platforms. As time is of the essence, AI skills will be further improved to speed up the creative process involved.

Day 4.

Survey and feedback – External reflections and assessment

Surveys are the most obvious way to get the opinion of a great number of students whether about our own specific teaching-related questions or in other organization-related matters. Google’s free solution has all required features that educators might need to get feedback on their own work or to collect data and information for schoolwide projects.

Sharing content – Digital solutions to share content from anywhere to everyone

It’s also essential to be able to share links and other content with students via QR-codes and other channels. These modern turns help us sharing the homework, tasks, or readings with students in a user friendly and practical way.

Day 5.

Workshop day with interactive presentation: engaging students and keeping their focus

Attendees will be provided with the tools to enhance their presentations in a way that students will become active participants rather than passive viewers. 

With the help of Mentimeter and its many features, educators will be able to engage their audience in several different ways to make sure their focus is on the delivered content.

Final reflections on the course and take away thoughts for farewell

As a farewell activity, the course closes with individual reflections, as well as ideas on integrating the new knowledge and skills into teaching and training in the future.

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